1/3. ジョンソン&ジョンソンが臨床試験のデータを発表した新しいワクチンは注射1回だけの楽チン💉予防効果は66%😷重篤化を85%も防ぐことができるし、入院や死亡に対しては💯%の効果を発揮するから、もう感染死はしない⁉🤔 https://t.co/zgTbL0KrgY
— CIA🌟Movie News - Extra+ (@Extra_Cia) January 29, 2021
3/3. 南アフリカ発の強力な変異種にも57%の効果があるから充分に役立つワクチンと言える。
— CIA🌟Movie News - Extra+ (@Extra_Cia) January 29, 2021
BUSTED, BABY: British police issued fines after they raided baby shower that was being held in violation of England's strict COVID-19 lockdown rules on social gatherings. https://t.co/6CIRXObn6h pic.twitter.com/ESONAajE4p
— ABC News (@ABC) January 27, 2021
SPEAKEASY SALON: Security footage shows patrons fleeing a police raid on a beauty salon in Wales, which was operating in defiance of COVID-19 regulations. The salon was fined the equivalent of over $1,300, while three customers also received fines. https://t.co/kdCxN8ofhi pic.twitter.com/5eZtQah3yQ
— ABC News (@ABC) January 28, 2021